Friday, March 14, 2008

Thing 13.5: Survey Monkey to the Rescue!

Okay, where's Survey Monkey in the listing of 23 Things? is the coolest, most useful, fantabulous Internet tool. I might even like it better than google docs.

A couple of us are using SMky to do a follow up survey with branch managers about how we move new items in the collection. SMky provides lots of options for how to set up the survey, then does all the tabulating for you. It's so cool! And it is a huge time saver. Last year we surveyed branch managers, and it took two of us several hours to compile all the surveys and pretty it up so that it was presentable at a committee meeting. SMky does that for us. All we had to do was come up with the questions then enter them.


(Image found on Flickr, by floridapfe )

1 comment:

Karen said...

I second this blog! Survey Monkey should definitely be a Thing. It has been especially useful for compiling opinions from our very geographically scattered staff.