Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Scrappy Entertainment

Today (congenial bows) I successfully pulled off a "tween" program on Scrapbook Journaling. I wasn't sure I would. First, I'm not a scrapper. Second, I haven't done a teen program before. Third, well, I was just plain nervous about it. The 12-14 set can be a hard group to impress, and I've spent the last few days doubting myself about it.

However, the program went off well. Four kids showed up -- a small number but very comfortable. It would have been hard to spend adequate time helping them if there had been many more. We made a mini "explosion scrapbook" with three big squares of scrapping paper. Very easy, then I let them loose with piles of markers, stickers, ribbons, old magazines, scraps of cloth and glitter glue pens.

We also did the "I am" poem, and I had the kids cut up the three paragraphs of the poem to add to different parts of their scrapbook. Plus they had a little envelope to glue on so that they could add notes, pictures, or, in the case of one boy, baseball cards. These were particularly touching with the pink and yellow daisy-themed paper (this was the younger brother of one of the girls, and I just loved his paper choices!). He decorated his scrapbook with pictures of baseball players and candy bars.

It was great fun to see the way the kids decorated their individual books. The most entertaining part of it might have been to see how much fun they had with the fabric swatches, bits of trim, sequins, and other bits that I brought from my private stash. They were incredibly creative.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read yours too...every day if possible.

I loved this entry about the kids their imagination with their scrapping and journaling. Being a scrapper, I can appreciate what you are doing. I used to do it too before I left the library.