Monday, June 9, 2008

The pretty ladies are back again

Finally, the first of the fancy bearded iris are open.


They're almost two weeks late this year. However, as though to make up for their tardy arrival they are preparing the best display we've had in a few years. We have buds on plants that haven't bloomed for years ~ long enough that I've lost track of their names. I'll be sending the pics to my mom so that she can identify them for me.

This one has the most intense, gorgeous perfume! And while it's hard to see from the pictures, the beard hooks up instead of laying flat against the fall. The coloration goes from deep blue to tan on the underside of the petals. And the stalk is sturdy and nearly three feet tall. Wow! I have no clue who she is, but she's stunning.

Update: Mom says she's called "Fragrant Lilac." Gorgeous!

Now, if the severe thunderstorms will just bypass St. Cloud for a few weeks, we should have a really lovely show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are beautiful. Mine have no buds. Maybe next year.