Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Quick Trip Around the World

When I was a kid, I loved the story my parents told me of their early dates where they would go for a ride in the country. At each intersection, one would toss a coin. Heads turn left; tails go right. The joy was in shared company and that sense of exploration and discovery.

My sweetie and I do things like that, too. We go out in the farming areas of Central Minnesota, with large fields of corn or other crops, dairy farms, and little towns with a church (great steeples), a bar, and usually a cafe. We go in search of the perfect pie. We've found some really good ones, too.

I get a kick out of Blogger for the way I can explore here too. I know that Time Magazine recently had a story about the ten best blogs, and yes, I was thrilled that one of my favorites, PostSecret, was on their list. But I have a real soft spot for layperson blogs. I love getting these intimate little glimpses of the lives of ordinary people from all over the world. You can try it too. Up above my blog header you will see a little icon that says "next blog." Click on that. Or try some of the cool links below.

Yummy handdyed, handwoven yarn (scroll down for the spinning wheels) from someplace Scandinavian, methinks.

Family fun in another "Scando-hoovian" setting. Seriously. At least scroll down far enough to see the kid and grandfather with their tongues out.

Beauty queens from around the world... I include this as an example of "silly things people blog about..."

Ever been to Portugal? Here's some interesting pictures.

A traveling Australian put up cool pics from the Caribean and Central America

A French artist (gorgeous drawings of everything imaginable)

So, there. You get the idea. Try it!

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