Friday, June 6, 2008

Off to see the ... Ouch!

This is not my favorite day every year. Today's the day I get my mammogram done.

Time to tip-toe up to a big machine with two smashing plates that go first up and down and then to the side, my tenderest parts squished miserably in between. It's embarrassing and uncomfortable and I feel bruised for hours after.

So here's my plea: to all you women who might think, "maybe I'll do it next year," please, please, get your mammogram this year.

Seriously. For all the trouble, it's more than worth it. Because we all know someone who's survived breast cancer and someone who has not.

Get it done.


Anonymous said...

Technology is finally helping us with the uncomfortable mammo. Granted it is a capital investment for clinics, but one I think will happen quickly. Mammograms have gone digital. Less plate pressure and instant results as to picture quality. Sorry,technology hasn't gotten rid of the embarrassing moments. I'm sure some woman researcher is working on that. And Yes, I got my done in May.

Anonymous said...

Hope it went OK! Have some chocolate to reward yourself for bravery ;)