Tuesday, January 27, 2009

MToaS 24: Refreshing the Blog

Hi MoreThings'er Staff! I'm so happy to have you back!

I enjoyed the SlideShare Presentation on 25 Basic Styles of Blogging. My blog, over the past year, could be categorized as a whole big jumble: insight, ambition, life, review, etc. My entries have covered all of it, and I like it that way. I've never been one to fit into any particular box.

I took the "refresh" challenge and simplified. Instead of adding widgets I deleted them. I know from experience with the original 23 Things on a Stick that I will find lots and lots of things to be curious about (not to mention passionately intrigued with, at least over the short term).  I'm sure I will want to add them, so for now I reduced my blog to more of a clean slate. Think of it as... ready.

Also, I must confess, I am uber-enthused over my lovely, lovely new Mac, and I am sure that I can come up with ways to pretty up my blog. So the "white sheet of paper" aspect is all about my expectation that it will look very different by mid-May.

Lastly, dear More-Things'ers, please be forewarned that if you RSS this blog or otherwise sign up to know whenever I update, you will have to plow through garden musings, recipes, news about friends-and-family gatherings and kayaking excursions, book reviews, and the whole big ungangly mess that this blog is. I know your time is limited, so I have tried to make it a little easier for you by attaching a widget at the top left that will let you know which Things I've worked on.

Actually, the way I write/live this blog makes me think of why I so love working in a library: it is the perfect place for the irredeemably curious. There are so many amazing books, movies, magazines, CD's out there... and we get to see them! We get to learn that there is a whole book devoted just to the socio-economic history of the Toothpick, and it's fascinating. We get to see that there are young-adult fantasy books that are brilliant beyond belief (and no, I'm not talking about the Twilight series). There's just so much to read, think about, write about... 

Ah. The joy of blank, white paper.

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