Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thing 10 - Wikis

The GRRL staff page is slowly moving toward more of a wiki format, and I think that is a really positive thing. It will hopefully make updating staff info quicker and easier. Our work, by nature, is so putzy and detail oriented. Some days I'm just astonished at how many bits of information are jammed in my head. You'd think I'd have a constantly glazed and dazed expression. Anything we can do to make it easier to stay current on procedures and policies - not to mention authors, bestsellers, websites, etc. - will be helpful.

I really liked the SJCPL Subject Guide wiki. Very easy to navigate. Also, it was very accessible and personal (ie. staff's favorite recipe of the week) yet comprehensive (ie. listing all the cooking related magazines that the library receives, and linking the titles to the catalog). Thanks for providing this example!

I did add an entry on the 23 Things wiki. The only challenge was coming up with something to say.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I'm sure come up with something to say...you just need to get started!

Cindy Gruwell
CMLE 23 Things Coach