Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thing 12: I Reddit but don't particularly Digg-it

Oh I'm going to sound like such a elitist, snobbish putz for this one, but wow. I am so unenthused by this Thing. It really seemed like the most grating waste of time since (completely out of morbid curiousity) I bounced onto Fox news and ETonline. I don't care about the latest narcissistic and ill-advised stunt pulled by some celebrity. I don't want to know (at least not on good days) what warped conspiracy theory is being promulgated by far-right nutcases.

Actually, I really like editors. I'd rather find sites that have good, competent editors and let them do their jobs. One of my favorite sites: Common Dreams. I also like New York Times online and the Christian Science Monitor. I know I'm showing my progressive/liberal bias. As I write this there is granola baking in the oven.

So, yes, I browsed all these sites. There were a couple of interesting stories or pictures. There were far more annoying ones (that showed up on more than one site).

I also was reminded of an article I read somewhere that said that every day there are 100,000 new blogs created (I will try to find the source). I don't want to sound dismissive, but I suspect that the vast majority of the people starting those blogs are not really up to providing reliable analysis on issues of Mideast peace, global climate change, or even the best-tasting brand of dark chocolate.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I like your thoughts...its funny how these tools go...some are always more interesting and practical than others...and of course there's the appeal.

Cindy Gruwell
CMLE 23 Things Coach